
bhartiya yadav COLORS

011-24643265 , 011-24643264


भारतीय यादव महासभा


मुख्य कार्यालय : रामपुरा हाउस , रिवाड़ी हरियाणा

दिल्ली कार्यालय : लोदी स्टेट, सुब्रमण्यम भारतीय मार्ग, नई दिल्ली

दूरभाष : 011-24643265 , 011-24643264

राव इंद्रजीत सिंह यादव
सांसद - गुड़गांव
(अध्यक्ष-भारतीय यादव महासभा)

Become our Member

Join All Yadavs Welfare Association today, we work to –

To create a sense of brotherhood, love and affection, among the members of Yadav Community.
To make best efforts for the promotion and developments of the society and help those in distress talking the matter with authorities concerned.
To improve men’s and women’s socioeconomic situations both in rural and urban area.
To create awareness amongst the Yadav Community in general about their rights, duties, responsibilities and obligations etc.
To conduct, promote, guide and co-ordinate research in any field related to any social welfare/development/health/educational scheme including technical/professional education of girls youths and women and other various kind of weaker sections of the society.
To set-up, sponsor, aid to take over educational institutions, libraries, study circles, centers for the spread of literacy, centers for the training of nursing/health staffs, centers for the study of language.
To conduct classes at suitable place or place to train dedicated poor section worker of the Yadav Community.
To publish books, websites of jobs and matrimonial, charts, Illustrations, Journals, Magazines, Periodicals and other publications on different subjects and in different languages for the promotion of the above aims and objects.
To arrange and organize social, religious, cultural, health safety and educational functions/camps/programs from time to time.
To accept donations, grants, presents and other offering (in the shape of moveable or immoveable properties) and the same shall be utilized for the promotions of aims and objectives of the society.

Member Benefits

The service of the Association shall be made available to non members of the Yadav Community free of charge who cannot afford the membership fee / subscription. Membership Application Forms in Hindi & English both are also available on our Website.
Membership fees/subscription is not refundable. By Demand Draft/Cheque in favor of BHARTIYA YADAV MAHA SABHA

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